SCV are extremely excited to welcome two new Consumer Audio product lines to their distribution portfolio from June 2017!
Focal High-End Headphones
Focal Utopia High-End headphones
For almost a decade, SCV have handled UK distribution of Focal's professional audio ranges: Spirit Pro, SM9, SM6, CMS, Alpha and now Shape. This month, SCV can also reveal that it will be handling distribution for two of Focal's consumer products from their high-end headphone range: Elear and Utopia.
Focal's High-End Headphone range (left to right: Elear, Utopia)
The Elear and Utopia headphones embody 35 years of concentrated audio research from Focal, designed with the goal of creating a listening experience comparable to that of their revered high-end loudspeakers. SCV are now immensely proud to be bringing these game-changing audio products to the UK market.
Focal Elear High-End reference headphone
Explore our Focal high-end headphone range >>
Even H1 over-ear headphones
Based in the US, Even are a consumer audio manufacturer with a laser-sharp focus on personal listening. Even acknowledge that everyone's ears are different and that hearing can be affected by a wide variety of different factors. With this in mind, they have developed their own revolutionary "EarPrint" technology to create what they affectionately call "Glasses for Your Ears." The tech allows users to calibrate and truly personalise the sound of their headphones to best suit their hearing.
Even E1 Earphones featuring inline "EarPrint" remote control
Even's range consists of two products: the H1 over-ear headphone, and the E1 earphone. Both models ship armed with EarPrint capabilities and can be configured to any user's hearing profile immediately out of the box with a simple listening test.
The Even headphone range (left to right: H1 over-ear, E1 in-ear)
Take the EarPrint listening test >>
For all enquiries relating to sales, pricing and availability contact SCV Distribution for info.