DeS modular de-esser from SPL
Front panel of SPL's DeS module
SPL DeS Dual Band DeEsser Module

DeS is the new 500-series incarnation of SPL’s widely used Dual-Band De-Esser designed for intelligently removing sibilance from vocal recordings.

£349.00 inc VAT
EAN 4260149321510

  • Modular dual-band DeEsser
  • Intelligently removes sibilance from vocal tracks
  • Gain auto adjustment to compensate proximity issues
  • Switchable male/female voicing template control
  • Designed for 500-series racks and lunchboxes

DeS offers a male/female voice switch to offer tailor made tracking templates for higher and lower vocals. This can prove an extremely handy timesaver, but SPL also recommend that engineers always trust their ears when selecting the best settings.

Multiple DeEssing Stages
SPL's DeS module features multiple de-essing stages

Like its rack-mount sibling, the DeS utilises two frequency bands which can be used either independently or jointly to increase processing effectiveness without generating additional unwanted noise.

Focused processing within the high or low bands can greatly increase the clarity of vocals by surgically tempering sibilant transients.

Signal Auto-Adjust
DeS features a unique male/female switch for vocal accommodation

DeS also features SPL’s prized auto adjustment feature which tracks the dynamics of any vocal source on the fly, boosting or reducing the amount of gain to compensate if or when sudden changes in vocal proximity take place during tracking.

DeS de-essing module from SPL

Max Input Level +22 dBu
Impedance 20kOhm in, 150 Ohm out
Max Output Level +22 dBu
Frequency Range 10Hz -100kHz
Noise -93 dBu (A-weighted)
Common Mode Rejection > -80 dBu @ 1 kHz
THD 0.03% @ 0 dBu
Weight 0.65 kg